Author: Jane Harvey – Berrick
Release Date: April 7, 2015
Purchase The Traveling Woman today!
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4 Stars
Review by: Tera
As soon as I was done reading The Traveling Man I couldn't wait to read The Traveling Women ..I love Kes & Aimee ...They have an EPIC kind of LOVE ...I adore all the other characters as well...truly a book come to life ...I can see it all so clearly ....
Kes & Aimee's banter back & forth with each other is very entertaining...they go through so much & grow & learn's BEAUTIFUL to read and Ms. Jane Harvey-Berrick has a wonderful way of telling a compelling story.
I'm sort of hoping a few of the other characters get their own story?? Maybe?? I can hope ...Highly Recommended!! And
5 Stars
Review by: Amy
“Still believe in magic? More than ever”…. It was still there in this book more than ever! The one thing that I took from the first book was the magic that Kes and Aimee shared and fought for. In “The Traveling Woman” we got to see Aimee’s side of that magic. Her recollection and side of the love affair that started when she was a young girl and morphed in to the scorching heat of the woman she is now.
This book gave me a look into her world. The typical world of everyday lives and every day jobs. The mundane world we all are used to living in on a daily basis. Aimee’s world that somehow Kes needed to so desperately fit into to be near her. He wanted her and needed her more than his next breath BUT he also needed the thrill of the carnival life. Making these two lives fit together and flow as one was a chance they would both have to take.
Watching their relationship grow further in this second book was amazing to see. There was a definite power struggle between the two and the way they worked things out was graceful and full of zest. Zest not only to be together, but to make the most out of the life they were each given. Would they succeed and live happily ever after? Lord knows they both would try. That was the beautiful part about this book. Their ability to “try” and want for each other. Above all else they would fight for the love they couldn’t deny.
Traveling Woman was a story of love, loss and forgiveness. It was a love story written so many years ago and just now coming to fruition. Kes and Aimee were meant to always be together and listening to her tell the story was endearing. I liked this continuation of their story and feel like it was just another part and not the end. It can’t be the end!!! I really hope that the love and growth of their carnival family continues. So many of the characters from the previous book were here to cheer and support them on their journey and I just can’t wait to read more. This book was well written and had fantastic balance. 4.5 star read for me and a complete recommend.
4.5 Stars
Review by: Gina
The Traveling Woman is the conclusion of Kes and Aimee's story from The Traveling Man and it was quite the ending. It was certainly not what I was expecting, but with Kes you never know what to expect.
Oh Kes...such a stubborn man, but he really makes it so hard to hate him. He always says something or does something to make you love him all over again! Aimee developed into this really amazing character from The Traveling Man to TheTraveling Woman. I think she found her place in the world and that shaped who she is now.
I really enjoyed how we got to step into Aimee's world and hear more about her life, even though it is not as exciting as Kes's I feel it was still important to the story. Kes's life is full of not stop twists and turns so it was always a surprise to learn what was around the corner to Kes. I was really happy to hear more about Tucker, Zef, and Ollo. Those guys are such a big part of Kes's life so it was only natural to want to hear more about them.
I found it to be a very steady story line. Not a lot of ups and down until about 3/4 into the book. Then you get the big "OMG" and you can't put the book down because you need to know what happens. It's not the big fairy tale ending with marriage and 2.5 kids, but it's Kes and Aimee's happy ending.
4 Stars
I was amazed to see that the school field had been transformed into a mini-arena with two small ramps in the middle. It was about the third the size of what Kes used in his usual act. A shiver went through me. I prayed that this impromptu display was safe.
The children sat on the grass around the edges, chattering loudly. Then Zef appeared in his leathers, carrying his helmet.
“Holy shit! Who’s hottie number two?” Mirelle hissed.
“That’s Zef, one of the other stunt riders from the display team.”
“Oh my God! Do they have a special laboratory where they make smokin’ hot motorcycle riders?”
“You should see Tucker, the third guy. He’s hot, too, but he totally knows it. They all do. Tucker and Zef are both players.”
“Good to know,” Mirelle muttered, straightening up and sticking out her boobs as Zef strolled toward Kes and Principal Browne. “Introduce us later,” she demanded.
Mentally, I was rolling my eyes. She’d been warned, the rest was up to her.
Kes disappeared, and I assumed it was to change into his leathers, as well. A familiar gnawing anxiety twisted my stomach, and I remembered how hard it was to watch Kes throwing his body fifty feet into the air and come crashing down again. It wouldn’t be that high today, but still…
The children cheered when Kes and Zef came roaring onto the field, performing spins and turns, wheelies and slides.
Then they took to the ramp, doing a pared down version of the usual show. I cringed as I saw the small ramps buckle and bend as they landed their bikes, but Kes had pitched the act perfectly between drama and humor. He and Zef had added a new trick of tossing a football to each other mid-jump. The children loved that.
As he finished, he stood in the center of the field and pulled off his helmet, waving at the kids and teachers as they cheered for him.
I was clapping along with everyone else when my hands fell to my sides.
“What’s wrong?” Mirelle asked.
I turned to stare at her.
“Look at him in front of a crowd,” I sighed. “See how brightly he shines. This is where he belongs. I’ve always known it.”
Mirelle turned to look at Kes.
“Yes, I see it, too,” she said quietly.
“I can’t keep him here, can I?”
Mirelle looked at me sympathetically. “No, chica, it would be wrong. He’s got you, but there’s nothing else here for him.”
I nodded slowly.
“What does that mean for you?” she asked. “Are you going to give up on your dreams?”
The Traveling Man (The Traveling Duet, #1)
Now Available - Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N

I was ordinary. Nice. He was extraordinary. And he wasn’t always nice. Moody and difficult, brilliant and beautiful, Kes scared me and he protected me. He could be incredibly hurtful and incredibly thoughtful. He wasn’t perfect, but he was perfect for me. He challenged me, he took me out of my safe little box and showed me the world could be magnificent. He was everything I wasn’t. Aimee Anderson is ten when the traveling carnival first comes to her nice little town. She doesn’t expect her world to change so completely. But meeting Kestrel Donohue puts her life on a different path. Even though she only sees him for the two weeks of the year when he passes through her home town, his friendship is the most important of her life. As a child’s friendship grows to adult love, the choices become harder, and both Kes and Aimee realize that two weeks a year will never be enough.
About the Author
I lived in London for over 10 years and have a love affair with New York. It's only since I have moved to the countryside, that the words have really begun to flow. I live in a small village by the ocean and walk my little dog, Pip, every day. It’s on those beachside walks that I have all my best ideas. Writing has become a way of life – and one that I love to share.

Great review's ladies
ReplyDeleteSheena xoxox