Rules of Payne
by Elizabeth Lynx
Publication Date: April 1, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Erotic, Humor
Morgana Drake has some problems in her life.
Problem #1: She has a boss she hates. Truth be told everyone at her company hates him, he’s a jerk.
Problem #2: Morgana fantasizes and has sex dreams about her awful boss because he is just sooo good looking. She may have done a lot more than fantasize, but please don't tell anyone.
Problem #3: She wants to get into her company’s Executive Development Program, but there is one thing standing in her way. You guessed it, her boss.
Problem #4: Morgana needs to get laid by someone other than her boss. She feels if she likes someone else she will stop lusting after Henrik Payne.
Henrik Payne is very serious about his job. He has worked hard for over ten years to become VP of Sales and Marketing and make Mimir the third largest online retailer. He has rules he follows to make sure the company and his life run smoothly.
Rule #1: Know the company from the ground up and the people who make this place great.
Rule #2: Don’t do anything that might negatively affect the company or him.
Rule #3: It’s best not to date women. If he does, they are to be kept at a distance. Emotions cloud judgment and can cause harm to the company if he is with the wrong woman and reveals too much.
Rule #4: Don’t drink. It weakens people's resolve, makes them act ridiculous and can make them do horrible things. Things that can’t be undone.
So, why does he keep breaking all his rules?

Review By: Leeann
This is a freakin hilarious take on a forbidden office romance.. Or maybe just office sex!
Morgana is an assistant for Henrick Payne. She has a crush on him & he is in love with her. But she does not know that. Actually, despite their few sexual encounters, she thinks he hates her.
Henrick is as self-important as they come. He is over confident and cocky, not just in his personal life but also at work. He believes he is the best of the best in everything he does. And he makes
sure everyone knows it too. The one thing he does not do is smile. He figures if he never smiles at anyone they will all keep their distance & leave him alone.
Morgana is also self-confident, but she isn’t egotistical like Henrick. She knows how to relate to people & people genuinely like her. On the surface, they seem an unlikely pair but in
the bedroom they are a perfect match.
This is one of those books where the characters have a lot of internal dialogue going on & let me tell you some of it is pee your pants funny! I read this in one sitting because it was so damn funny!
She wants to marry cake & he calls his penis Captain Cock!
I don’t know if the author Elizabeth Lynx is as funny as her characters in real life, but she must have a wicked sense of humour to be able to write a book that has you laughing out loud
at least twice in each chapter.
The characters are well developed & likable & Elizabeth’s writing style is great. It is a fast paced story & it does end in a cliff hanger (a funny one at that!) but that’s ok I’m happy to wait for book 2
because I want to see what happens to them after the ending of this book.
If you like your romance stories to include not just hot steamy scenes but lots of humour too then I seriously recommend you check out this book!! It is funny & entertaining & this author will have no trouble keeping you entertained from start to finish!
About Elizabeth Lynx:
Elizabeth Lynx is not a robot, that’s for sure. At least she says she’s not. She is also not a space alien. How do I know this, because she was born in Baltimore Maryland in the 1970’s when no one wanted to be in Baltimore Maryland so why would her parents say that if it weren't true. Of course she has had her suspicions growing up and is still in a continual search for evidence that backs up her space age theories.
To bide her time she writes about ‘normal’ people and their sexy romantic lives. Her husband chooses to put up with her theories and paranoid musings. Her two little boys help her see that perhaps she isn't an alien but more of a climbing rock. This theory is new, so she needs more time to develop it further.

Thanks you so much! Your review and this post is amazing! I actually feel like an idiot I haven't stumbled upon your site before, but at least now I will be a regular. I am so glad you love the book. Feel free to check out The Payne In The Blog, which is the weekly blog I do about the characters in this book. That might help entertain you until the final book comes out in July. Thanks again!