More Than Water
by Renee Ericson
Publication Date: 22 June 2015
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel wrong. It just...feels.
EJ Cunning, an art history major, dates musicians. Foster Blake, a chemical engineering major, can’t sing a tune. They’re not each other’s type. They’re coworkers.
Then, one night leads to sex—sex between friends—which leads to an agreement. It all seems so simple—but nothing ever is.
Many layers build a person’s facade.
Look into the depths for what’s hidden within.
It’s more than water. It’s a story—a living and breathing substance beyond the reflective surface.

Review by: ERIN
A very heart-warming read. EJ
has led a difficult life. She has very controlling parents who want her to do
what they want and treat her dreams as if they are nothing. Her dream is to
pursue art and fall in love. If they have their way, she will be getting her
MBA and marrying the son of a family friend. NOT what she wants.
Foster is a very complex and introverted
person. He is not the typical college guy you read about. He is focused on his
studies and doesn’t have a lot of time for relationships.
This is not a story of love at first
sight. Quite the opposite. It takes a while for EJ and Foster to even warm up
to being friends. They take their relationship to the level of friends with
benefits and end up spending a lot of time together, but it always stays on the
friendship side of things.
When things start getting complicated,
EJ has to step back and re-evaluate herself. She has to determine what it is
she wants in her life and all roads lead to Foster.
I really liked the way this story was
written. It has a slow flow and the love is not rushed, but rather nurtured to
help it grow.
4 Stars
He’s an enigma.
He’s geeky in some ways, yet there’s something else. Maggie saw something. He definitely has some really strong and striking features underneath the obvious nerd thing. With his underlying subtleties—strong chin, good hair, bright eyes, defined lips, and firm hands that turn each page with dexterous fingers—I can see how a girl could be attracted to that. Along with his sinewy forearms leading up to firm biceps that—
“Do you have X-ray vision?” he asks, startling me from my observations of him.
“Maybe.” I shuffle through my bag, pulling out the first book my hand finds. Great. French Baroque Artists. Blech. So gaudy.
“See anything you like?”
“Not really.” I open to a random page. “You’re not exactly my type, so don’t even think—”
“Don’t worry. I wasn’t.” He laughs. “You’re not really my type either.”
“Is anyone your type? Or are you oblivious to all women?”
I shut the book and lean forward. “Are you gay? Because, if you are, we need to talk about your sense of style. You do not fit the stereotype at all—unless you’re going for that whole superhero-at-night, geek-by-day thing.”
“Um…” He places the magazine next to the keyboard and turns in the seat to face me. “I’m not gay.”
“So, you’re just oblivious to all women?”
“No. Why would you say that?”
I gesture toward the steps. “You didn’t even notice that girl drooling all over you. She was totally into you. She was practically handing her boobs to your mouth.”
“Oh, I noticed.” He adjusts his black-framed glasses. “I’m just not interested.”
About Renee Ericson

Originally from the Midwest, she now resides in a small town just outside of Boston with her husband and three children.
Most winters, Renee can be found on the slopes of the White Mountains skiing with her family. During the summer months, she likes to spend every spare minute at the beach soaking up the sea air. All those moments in between, she is talking to imaginary characters and caring for her children.

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